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RRID:SCR_003563 RRID Copied      
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NCI Thesaurus (RRID:SCR_003563)
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URL: http://ncit.nci.nih.gov/

Proper Citation: NCI Thesaurus (RRID:SCR_003563)

Description: A reference terminology and core biomedical ontology for NCI that covers approximately 100,000 key biomedical concepts with terms, codes, definitions, and more than 200,000 inter-concept relationships. It is the reference terminology for NCI, NCI Metathesaurus and NCI informatics infrastructure covering vocabulary for clinical care, translational and basic research, and public information and administrative activities. It includes broad coverage of the cancer domain, including cancer related diseases, findings and abnormalities; anatomy; agents, drugs and chemicals; genes and gene products and so on. In certain areas, like cancer diseases and combination chemotherapies, it provides the most granular and consistent terminology available. It combines terminology from numerous cancer research related domains, and provides a way to integrate or link these kinds of information together through semantic relationships. NCIt features: * Stable, unique codes for biomedical concepts; * Preferred terms, synonyms, definitions, research codes, external source codes, and other information; * Links to NCI Metathesaurus and other information sources; * Over 200,000 cross-links between concepts, providing formal logic-based definition of many concepts; * Extensive content integrated from NCI and other partners, much available as separate NCIt subsets * Updated frequently by a team of subject matter experts. NCIt is a widely recognized standard for biomedical coding and reference, used by a broad variety of public and private partners both nationally and internationally including the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Terminology (CDISC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Federal Medication Terminologies (FMT), and the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP).

Abbreviations: NCIt

Synonyms: ncithesaurus

Resource Type: controlled vocabulary, ontology, data or information resource

Keywords: thesaurus, clinical, treatment, prevention, biomedical, owl, health, drug, chemotherapy

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NCI Metathesaurus

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OnEx - Ontology Evolution Explorer

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National Cancer Institute

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