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European Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Program (RRID:SCR_003104)
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URL: http://www.eucomm.org

Proper Citation: European Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Program (RRID:SCR_003104)

Description: Generate, archive, and distribute world-wide up to 12.000 conditional mutations across the mouse genome in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and Establish a limited number of mouse mutants from this resource. EUCOMM contributes the largest fraction of conditionally trapped and targeted genes in mouse C57BL/6N embryonic stem (ES) cells to the IKMC. EUCOMM vectors, mutant ES cells and mutant mice are distributed worldwide, enabling functional genomics research in a standardized and cost-effective manner by a much wider biomedical research community than has been possible previously. EUCOMM mutant ES cells and vectors can be obtained from the European Mouse Mutant Cell Repository (EuMMCR). EUCOMM mutant mice are archived and distributed by the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA). Mutagenesis Strategies * Conditional gene trapping - random approach for expressed genes * Conditional targeted trapping - directed approach, used for expressed genes * Conditional gene targeting - directed approach, used for non-expressed genes

Abbreviations: EUCOMM

Resource Type: production service resource, biomaterial manufacture, material service resource, service resource

Keywords: mutant, c57bl/6n, embryonic stem cell, conditionally trapped, targeted gene, gene, functional genomics, vector, mutant embryonic stem cell, mutant mouse, mutagenesis, genome, gene trapping, gene targeting

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