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RRID:SCR_002714 RRID Copied      
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Reflect (RRID:SCR_002714)
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URL: http://reflect.ws/

Proper Citation: Reflect (RRID:SCR_002714)

Description: A free service that tags gene, protein, and small molecule names in any web page. Clicking on a tagged term opens a small popup showing summary information, and allows the user to quickly link to more detailed information. For each protein or gene, Reflect provides domain structure, sub-cellular localization, 3D structure, and interaction partners. For small molecules, it provides the chemical structure and interaction partners. Reflect can be installed as a plugin to Firefox or Internet Explorer, or can be used by entering a URL in the field provided. It can also be accessed programmatically via a REST or SOAP API, and a Reflect button can easily be added to any web page using Javascript or using a CGI proxy. Reflect was first-prize winner out of over 70 submissions in the Elsevier Grand Challenge, an international competition for systems that improve the way scientific information is communicated and used. Reflect can be edited and improved by the community.

Abbreviations: Reflect

Synonyms: Reflect: Protein small molecules

Resource Type: software resource, text-mining software, analysis service resource, data analysis service, data access protocol, web service, service resource, production service resource, software application

Defining Citation: PMID:19513049

Keywords: text mining, semantic mark up, gene, protein, computational linguistics, small molecule, domain structure, sub-cellular localization, 3d structure, interaction, chemical structure

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University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen; Denmark

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European Bioinformatics Institute

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