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RRID:SCR_002117 RRID Copied      
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Protein Lounge (RRID:SCR_002117)
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URL: http://www.proteinlounge.com

Proper Citation: Protein Lounge (RRID:SCR_002117)

Description: Complete siRNA target database, complete Peptide-Antigen target database and a Kinase-Phosphatase database. They have also developed the largest database of illustrated signal transduction pathways, which are interconnected to their extensive protein database and online gene / protein analysis tools. The interactive web-based databases and software help life-scientists understand the complexity of systems biology. Systems biology efforts focus on understanding cellular networks, protein interactions involved in cell signaling, mechanisms of cell survival and apoptosis leading to development or identification of drug candidates against a variety of diseases. In the post-genomic era, one of the major concerns for life-science researchers is the organization of gene / protein data. Protein Lounge has met this concern by organizing all necessary data about genes / proteins into one portal.

Abbreviations: ProteinLounge

Synonyms: Protein Lounge - Redefining Biology

Resource Type: training material, service resource, data or information resource, analysis service resource, database, production service resource, data analysis service, narrative resource

Keywords: gene, antigen, bioinformatics, kinase, life science, peptide, phosphatase, signal transduction pathway, sirna, systems biology, protein, biology, cellular network, protein interaction, cell signaling, cell survival, apoptosis, peptide-antigen, kinase-phosphatase, image, pathway

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