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RRID:SCR_001440 RRID Copied      
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BioCAT (RRID:SCR_001440)
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URL: http://www.bio.aps.anl.gov/

Proper Citation: BioCAT (RRID:SCR_001440)

Description: Biomedical technology research center and training resource for the study of the structure of partially ordered biological molecules, complexes of biomolecules and cellular structures under conditions similar to those present in living cells and tissues. The goal of research at BioCAT is to determine the detailed structure and mechanism of action of biological systems at the molecular level. The techniques used are X-ray fiber diffraction, X-ray solution scattering and X-ray micro-emission and micro-absorption spectroscopy, with an emphasis on time-resolved studies and the development of novel techniques.

Abbreviations: BioCAT

Synonyms: Biophysics Collaborative Access Team

Resource Type: biomedical technology research center, training resource

Keywords: biological system, structure, function, molecule, complex, cellular structure, cell, tissue, x-ray, fiber diffraction, solution scattering, micro-emission, micro-absorption spectroscopy, time-resolved, x-ray micro-imaging, macromolecule, structural biology technology center, photon, microprobe

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