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RRID:SCR_001376 RRID Copied      
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Open metadata mark up language (RRID:SCR_001376)
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URL: http://www.g-node.org/projects/odml

Proper Citation: Open metadata mark up language (RRID:SCR_001376)

Description: Mark up language for collecting and exchanging metadata in an automated, computer-based fashion, developed for neuroscience, specifically, neurophysiology experiments. In odML arbitrary metadata information is stored as extended key-value pairs in a hierarchical structure. Central to odML is a clear separation of format and content, i.e., neither keys nor values are defined by the format. This makes odML flexible enough for storing all available metadata instantly without the necessity to submit new keys to an ontology or controlled terminology. Common standard keys can be defined in odML-terminologies for guaranteeing interoperability.

Abbreviations: odML

Synonyms: open metadata Markup Language

Resource Type: narrative resource, markup language, data or information resource, standard specification, interchange format

Defining Citation: PMID:21941477

Keywords: mark-up language, electrophysiology, neurophysiology, terminology, metadata, data sharing, interoperability, annotate, ontology

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