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RRID:MMRRC_014245-UNC RRID Copied  
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Proper Citation: RRID:MMRRC_014245-UNC

Description: Mus musculus with name B6;129S7-Amhr2tm3(cre)Bhr/Mmnc from MMRRC.

Species: Mus musculus

Notes: Research areas: Apoptosis, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Models for Human Disease, Reproduction, Research Tools; Mutation Type: Targeted Mutation ; Collection:

Phenotype: decreased hematocrit [MP:0000208]| extramedullary hematopoiesis [MP:0000240]| impaired fertilization [MP:0000242]| abnormal kidney development [MP:0000527]| abnormal uterus morphology [MP:0001120]| abnormal ovary morphology [MP:0001126]| impaired ovarian folliculogenesis [MP:0001129]| abnormal ovarian folliculogenesis [MP:0001130]| abnormal ovarian follicle morphology [MP:0001131]| absent corpus luteum [MP:0001134]| abnormal testis morphology [MP:0001146]| small testis [MP:0001147]| small seminiferous tubules [MP:0001153]| seminiferous tubule degeneration [MP:0001154]| arrest of spermatogenesis [MP:0001155]| abnormal spermatogenesis [MP:0001156]| increased metastatic potential [MP:0001272]| disheveled coat [MP:0001511]| anemia [MP:0001577]| abnormal placenta development [MP:0001712]| abnormal placenta labyrinth morphology [MP:0001716]| failure of embryo implantation [MP:0001728]| impaired embryo implantation [MP:0001729]| postnatal growth retardation [MP:0001732]| suppressed circulating follicle stimulating hormone level [MP:0001749]| increased circulating follicle stimulating hormone level [MP:0001750]| increased circulating luteinizing hormone level [MP:0001751]| edema [MP:0001785]| hemorrhage [MP:0001914]| reduced female fertility [MP:0001923]| infertility [MP:0001924]| male infertility [MP:0001925]| female infertility [MP:0001926]| abnormal ovulation [MP:0001928]| abnormal meiosis [MP:0001930]| decreased litter size [MP:0001935]| secondary sex reversal [MP:0001939]| testis hypoplasia [MP:0001940]| ovary cysts [MP:0002016]| increased carcinoma incidence [MP:0002038]| premature death [MP:0002083]| abnormal sex determination [MP:0002210]| abnormal seminiferous tubule morphology [MP:0002216]| cryptorchism [MP:0002286]| abnormal pulmonary circulation [MP:0002295]| small uterus [MP:0002637]| uterus hyperplasia [MP:0002676]| decreased corpora lutea number [MP:0002680]| increased corpora lutea number [MP:0002681]| decreased mature ovarian follicle number [MP:0002682]| small adrenal glands [MP:0002768]| decreased circulating luteinizing hormone level [MP:0002773]| decreased circulating testosterone level [MP:0002780]| abnormal Sertoli cell morphology [MP:0002784]| male pseudohermaphroditism [MP:0002789]| testicular atrophy [MP:0003205]| abnormal placenta vasculature [MP:0003231]| decreased ovulation rate [MP:0003355]| absent sexual maturation [MP:0003379]| absent placental labyrinth [MP:0003403]| abnormal oviduct morphology [MP:0003574]| increased ovarian carcinoma incidence [MP:0003579]| abnormal ovary development [MP:0003582]| abnormal oviduct transport [MP:0003700]| abnormal Mullerian duct morphology [MP:0003826]| abnormal testis development [MP:0003830]| abnormal uterine environment [MP:0004014]| abnormal miscarriage rate [MP:0004244]| abnormal maternal decidual layer morphology [MP:0004256]| decreased renal glomerulus number [MP:0004505]| absent oocytes [MP:0004805]| ovary hemorrhage [MP:0004834]| decreased testis weight [MP:0004852]| increased ovary weight [MP:0004855]| decreased ovary weight [MP:0004856]| abnormal endometrium morphology [MP:0004896]| decreased male germ cell number [MP:0004901]| decreased uterus weight [MP:0004905]| abnormal trophoblast layer morphology [MP:0005031]| increased follicle stimulating hormone level [MP:0005131]| ovary hypoplasia [MP:0005158]| azoospermia [MP:0005159]| increased circulating estradiol level [MP:0005182]| decreased circulating progesterone level [MP:0005185]| increased circulating progesterone level [MP:0005186]| ascites [MP:0005324]| abnormal circulating hormone level [MP:0005418]| decreased oocyte number [MP:0005431]| hemoperitoneum [MP:0005435]| increased testis tumor incidence [MP:0006262]| abnormal testis cord formation [MP:0006418]| increased ovary tumor incidence [MP:0008000]| abnormal myometrium morphology [MP:0008256]| thin myometrium [MP:0008257]| arrest of male meiosis [MP:0008261]| abnormal placental labyrinth vasculature morphology [MP:0008803]| abnormal granulosa cell morphology [MP:0008868]| abnormal ovarian follicle number [MP:0008871]| decreased uterine NK cell number [MP:0008876]| abnormal DNA methylation [MP:0008877]| abnormal spongiotrophoblast cell morphology [MP:0008959]| early reproductive senescence [MP:0008995]| short oviduct [MP:0009071]| short uterine horn [MP:0009089]| endometrium hyperplasia [MP:0009092]| decreased endometrial gland number [MP:0009096]| failure of Mullerian duct regression [MP:0009139]| internal male genitalia hypoplasia [MP:0009207]| abnormal secondary ovarian follicle morphology [MP:0009363]| abnormal cumulus expansion [MP:0009373]| absent cumulus expansion [MP:0009374]| increased trophoblast giant cell number [MP:0009397]| polyovular ovarian follicle [MP:0009433]| ovarian follicular cyst [MP:0009444]| abnormal superovulation [MP:0009648]| abnormal pregnancy [MP:0009661]| embryonic lethality [MP:0011102]| incomplete penetrance [MP:0011750]| abnormal seminiferous tubule epithelium morphology [MP:0012411]| increased granulosa cell tumor incidence [MP:0013399]| endometrium fibrosis [MP:0013539]

Affected Gene: creAmhr2

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Data and Source Information

Source: Integrated Animals

Source Database: Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Center (MMRRC)